Psycho-social Determinants of Achievement Motivation in Gender Diverse Youth: A Comparison of Male, Female and Non-Binary Individuals


  • Syed Messum Ali Kazmi Higher Education Department


Resilience, Gender Differences, Non-Binary Individuals, Academic Achievement, Behavioral Engagement, Emotional Engagement, Dummy Coding


The goal of this study is to examine how students' motivation for academic achievement is affected by resilience, depression, behavioral vs. emotional engagement, and meta-cognitive awareness. Previous studies have emphasized the predictive value of students' cognitive and mental abilities on their academic achievement. Uncertainty surrounds the functions of behavioral engagement and resiliency. The study employed a correlational research design, and N=425 participants (200 male, 125 female and 100 non-binary) between the age range 18-30 years (M=24.31, SD=1.21), were chosen through convenient sampling. The Hamilton Depression Inventory, the Meta-cognitive Awareness Scale, the Brief Resilience Scale, the Engagement vs. Disaffection with Learning Questionnaire, and the achievement motivation scale were used to collect the data. The findings demonstrate a positive relationship between resilience, emotional engagement, and meta-cognitive awareness and academic success. However, there was a significant negative association between depression and behavioral engagement and academic achievement. Furthermore, compared to their male and female counterparts who scored low on depression and further displayed poorer scores on resilience, meta-cognitive awareness, behavioral and emotional engagement, non-binary students demonstrate lower scores on resilience, meta-cognitive awareness, behavioral and emotional engagement, high orientation towards success and achievement. Additionally, these findings have raised the need of providing supportive interventions aimed at improving achievement motivation and associated outcomes for non-binary individuals.


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How to Cite

Kazmi, S. M. A. (2023). Psycho-social Determinants of Achievement Motivation in Gender Diverse Youth: A Comparison of Male, Female and Non-Binary Individuals. Critical Review of Social Sciences and Humanities, 3(2), 82–95. Retrieved from


